Dark Skies Business Capability Course

From NZD $75.00
  • Duration: 3 Hours (approx.)
  • Location: Carterton, Wairarapa
  • Product code: DSBCC

The price of $75 includes sessions (1) and (2) at the Carterton Events Centre, one practical stargazing session at Star Safari, and a site visit.

The Dark Sky Business Capability Course is being funded through the Regional Economic Development Plan. The Plan identifies opportunities with high-impact potential to grow our region over the next 10 years.

WellingtonNZ manages the Plan and is partnering with Milky-Way Kiwi to give businesses the tools, connections, and support they need to grow astro-tourism in Wairarapa. To find out more about WellingtonNZ services, visit www.wellingtonnz.com/business/business-resources  

The course will have four components, including two classroom sessions at the Carterton Events Centre, one practical session at Star Safari, and a site visit for each participant, including an assessment of premises and a commercial-in-confidence report.

Session One 

(3 hours, classroom-based, Carterton Events Centre) - 18 Jul 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm:

  • An introduction to the dark sky reserve, boundaries, and requirements to maintain the reserve status.
  • The Dark Sky opportunity – framed by Destination Wairarapa (including opportunities for product development)
  • Case study of local providers successfully utilising the Wairarapa Dark Sky Reserve to grow their business.
  • What can businesses do to tap into growing astrotourism in Wairarapa? (Review successful models in NZ/internationally)
  • Managing weather risks and capitalising on astronomical events.


Session Two 

(3 hours, classroom-based, Carterton Events Centre) - 1 Aug 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm:

  • The basics of Telescopes/Binoculars and other types of equipment used for stargazing.
  • Introduce the online ‘toolkit’ for beginners (hosted on the website)
  • An introduction to the night sky and the history of the importance of the night sky in the region for Māori. (visiting speaker)
  • Planetarium session to build familiarisation with the night sky.
  • Business Capability support is available through WellingtonNZ.


Session Three – Practical Stargazing Skills 

(90mins at Star Safari in Ponatahi) - sometime in August, depending on the weather

  • Health and Safety aspects of stargazing.
  • Practical viewing and operation of telescopes and equipment.
  • Discussion and demonstration of astrophotography.
  • Identification and visibility of local constellations
  • Discussion on lighting, physical site orientation and aspects of establishing a stargazing site.


Site Assessment Visit for Participants - during August and September

  • Milky-Way.Kiwi Ltd will visit each course participant’s site and conduct a survey of lighting, sky visibility and dark sky suitability for stargazing and astrophotography. An hour has been allocated at each site to achieve this.
  • After the site visit, each participant will receive a report with technical recommendations particular to their circumstances.